Project Playground Journey

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Surveys, Banks, & Jungle Gyms

Hey everyone! Yesterday we went to Lynedoch to survey the students on what they would like to see on the playground and the results were very exciting! For Grades 1 and 2 the teachers gave us a good idea of what they would like to see for their students. For the older grades though we got them involved by taking a show of hands for ideas we had and then asked them to contribute their own suggestions. We heard everything from a jumping castle to a swimming pool to a tree house and it was so great to see them excited about the idea of a playground. There were so many suggestions for the jungle gym that we have a firm understanding of what to include but the current debate is whether we should purchase a pre-assembled jungle gym or build one ourselves using in-kind donations and purchasing additional supplies. We'll have a better idea of the best course of action once we've evaluated the financial aspects of the project. There is also an area of the lot that can be used as an athletic field. Since one sport didn't win out over the others, it seems that we'll be working on making it a multipurpose field with lines and goals for soccer, rugby, and cricket and then set a goal to collect as much sports equipment as we can. There is also a space that could fit a small stage where the students could put on plays and the school could host performances. Given the number of different projects going on at once, it seems it might make sense to divide our funding strategies into three categories: jungle gym, performance stage, and athletic fields. This way those donating could contribute to their area of interest and see a positive change their truly invested  in. I went to the bank today to inquire about opening an account for the playground but in order to do so we would need a number of additional permits to what we currently have. Instead I will be opening a student account on Monday strictly for playground donations that will be attached to a Paypal account. Unfortunately the account will not be in the name of the playground but all financials are entirely transparent and bank records will be available upon request. Please don't hesitate to ask for more information.



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